The Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC) is a non-governmental organization that seeks to promote and protect freedom of expression, press freedom, and the right to information in Tanzania. UTPC is an umbrella body for 28 Press Clubs that are located all over Tanzania.
UTPC is concerned with the safety of journalists in Tanzania and quick support that journalists must receive when they face challenges while performing their journalistic work. To address this issue, UTPC intends to develop a safety and security mechanism that will provide quick support to journalists in distress.
However, the process of implementing this mechanism took its prior baby steps back in 2022 with UTPC overseeing its coordination to ensure its official establishment. A dedicated committee, which includes media institutions such as MCT, MISA Tanzania, TAMWA, TEF, TADIO, JOWUTA Shas been formed. They have conducted three meetings, outlining the stages involved in setting up this mechanism.
As the development of this mechanism progresses, the committee believes it is crucial to continue providing assistance to journalists. Despite not yet being perfected, the mechanism has offered support to two journalists in 2022.
The objective of this consultancy is to design the framework, in terms of forms, guidelines and processes for a safety and security mechanism that will offer protection and support to journalists in Tanzania, especially when they are facing legal, medical or any other safety and security challenge during their line of work. Consultant is expected to build up from what UTPC’s safety mechanism team has done so far and incorporate insights from existing documentation.
The consultant will be expected to undertake the following tasks:
The consultant is expected to deliver the following:
The consultancy is expected to take four weeks, starting from the date of signing the contract.
The consultant should have the following qualifications:
The budget for this consultancy will be based on the available budget with the consultant based on their experience, qualifications, and proposed work plan.
The consultant will report to the Executive Director of UTPC and work closely with the Safety and Security Committee team. Progress reports will be submitted on the agreeable terms and timeframe.
Deadline for submission is August 10th, 2023
All application should be directed to:
Executive Director
Union of Tanzania Press Clubs
P.O Box 770
Aboud Jumbe Road,
Kazembo Street, Uzunguni House No. 27
Email: info@utpc.or.tz or utpctztz@gmail.com