"It is not right for the Police to attack or harass journalists” said ASP. Notker Kilewa while contributing to a discussion on issues concerning the protection and safety of journalists in a dialogue organized by the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC) in collaboration with the Dar es Salaam City Press Club (DCPC) on March 8, 2024, at the City Mall Msasani in Dar es Salaam.
He emphasized that the effectiveness of the Police depends on a strong cooperation between journalists and the Police force, therefore it is not appropriate to attack a journalist while they are performing their duties of gathering news to inform the public.
On his part, the Kinondoni Regional Police Commander SACP. Mtatiro Kitinkwi commended the DCPC and UTPC for organizing the forum as it aims to bring together journalists and the Police to discuss challenges that arise during the execution of their duties, especially during election times, and find solutions on how to work without conflicting.
"We have focused on this year 2024 and next year 2025 which are election years so we have reminded each other to obey the law without force while executing our duties."
This forum is part of a series of discussions held in six regions including Dar es Salaam, Iringa, Songwe, Manyara, and Katavi, as part of UTPC's efforts in collaboration with IMS (International Media Support) to ensure the protection and safety of journalists is strengthened and to improve relations between the Police force and journalists.