Mtoto Kwanza

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The partnership between CiC and UTPC has achieved a significant milestone with the establishment of another collaborative agreement. This new agreement marks the implementation of a three-year strategic project called "Mtoto Kwanza!".


Under this partnership, both organizations have committed to working together effectively, with a particular focus on engaging the media at the sub-national level through UTPC and its affiliated Press Clubs. These Press Clubs have recruited 26 ECD champion journalists who will play a key role in the project.


Through the power of quality journalism, the project aims to raise awareness among community stakeholders about the importance of investing in Early Child Development (ECD). Additionally, it seeks to foster improved local coordination and accountability for ECD delivery.


As part of their collaboration, UTPC and CiC have also agreed to enhance and develop the capacity of local media. This will involve providing high-quality ECD training to the recruited journalists, empowering them to amplify advocacy initiatives and contribute to improved ECD delivery in mainland Tanzania.


Prior to the commencement of the Mtoto Kwanza! Project, the 26 journalists underwent comprehensive training to gain a deep understanding of the project's objectives and strategic deliverables. These journalists are employed by various media outlets, both online and offline, including radios, televisions, newspapers, and online bloggers.


As part of their responsibilities, the ECD journalists were tasked with producing a minimum of four high-quality stories per quarter. These stories predominantly cover ECD domains, the implementation of the MN-ECDP, participation of civil society organizations at the regional level, and the creation of an interactive radio program.


The Mtoto Kwanza! Project serves as a catalyst during the early stages of the recently launched Multi-Sectorial ECD Programme (MN-ECDP). The MN-ECDP was inaugurated by the Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children, Hon. Dr. Dorothy Gwajima (MP).