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Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC)

The Union of Tanzania Press Clubs is abbreviated as UTPC. It is an umbrella body of press clubs in Tanzania. So far it has 28 press clubs which are its members. These press clubs are geographically located all over Tanzania. UTPC is a non governmental organization which was established in 1996 and registered in 1997.It was formed by press clubs to act as their umbrella. It is a membership based organization. Its headquarters is in Dodoma.

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  • To facilitate the operations of the Press Clubs in Tanzania
  • To present member clubs in collective bargaining.
  • To render services designed to ensure efficiency and uniformity in the conduct of the business of its member clubs, by standardizing their operational set-up.
  • To provide services to Press Clubs
  • To print, publish and circulate any newspaper or newsletter or any other publication, designed to foster or increase interest in the objects of the member clubs.
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  • Sep 25,2024

Freedom of Expression in Njombe Region, Tanzania in correspendence to 4Rs of Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan

Freedom of Expression in Njombe Region, Tanzania in correspendence to 4Rs of Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan

Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC), in collaboration with Njombe Press Club (NPC), recently conducted a community seminar focused on Freedom of Expression in Njombe region. The seminar aimed to create a platform for dialogue among various stakeholders, including journalists, political party representatives, NGOs, CBOs, religious leaders, legal officers, paralegals, youth, women, and individuals with disabilities. Njombe was chosen for this seminar due to the strong influence of cultural norms and traditional values on freedom of expression, especially in families where patriarchal structures are prevalent. In many households, men are the primary decision-makers, while women and children may hesitate to express their opinions due to fear of social consequences.

Research indicates that the people of Njombe region experience significant constraints on their freedom of expression. Key factors contributing to this suppression include traditional customs and social norms that discourage open dialogue and critical discussion. Consequently, this lack of expression hinders development in the region, as many residents are aware of issues but lack the courage to voice their concerns or seek accountability from authorities. 

This dynamic creates barriers to open communication on sensitive issues, leading to generational gaps. Younger individuals, often influenced by education and media, may struggle to express views that challenge traditional beliefs, further limiting dialogue.

According to UNICEF, Njombe ranks among the regions in Tanzania with the highest prevalence of child stunting, affecting approximately 50% of children under five. A key factor contributing to this issue is the lack of freedom of expression, which limits discussions on critical topics such as nutrition and health. Combined with beliefs in witchcraft and traditional practices, this has hindered efforts to address malnutrition, trapping the region in a cycle of poor health despite its agricultural wealth.

The community seminar began with remarks from Mr. Lewis Mnyambwa Human Resources and Public Service and the Assistant Regional Administrative Secretary (Ass. RAS) representing Mrs. Judica Omary, the Njombe Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS). He acknowledged the suppression of freedom of expression within the region, stating, "Njombe is one of the regions where the residents themselves are suppressing freedom of expression." He emphasized the importance of utilizing discussions and platforms like the seminar as catalysts for change, aligning with the philosophy of the 4Rs articulated by President Samia Suluhu Hassan: Reconciliation, Resilience, Reform and Rebuilding.

During the seminar, diverse voices contributed to the discussions. Mr. Severine Mapunda, Head of Programs and Resource Mobilization at UTPC, highlighted the alignment of Freedom of Expression with the President's 4Rs philosophy.

Ms. Neema Mahenge, an ordinary citizen and entrepreneur, pointed out the necessity of identifying root causes behind the suppression of expression. She urged participants to reflect on their roles as parents and guardians, noting, "Our failure to pass on those parenting principles has led to a generation that cannot stand up for itself." She called for a re-evaluation of approaches to upbringing for the development of both region and nation.

Dr. Alatanga Nyagawa, Councilor for Njombe Town Ward, echoed these sentiments by sharing the challenges residents face in articulating their concerns. He remarked, "If they are unable to speak to their own ward councilor, what will happen when they go to court?" This highlights the critical need for mechanisms that empower individuals to express themselves effectively.

In response to the challenges highlighted during the community seminar, UTPC is implementing various initiatives to promote Freedom of Expression. These include community seminars, radio programs and jingles and the establishment of local Freedom of Expression networks.

Community seminar in Njombe region revealed a pressing need for increased awareness and mechanisms to support freedom of expression. The active participation of diverse stakeholders underscores the collective desire for change and development. By addressing the cultural and systemic barriers to expression, Njombe community can foster a more open and progressive environment conducive to growth and accountability.

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  • Sep 25,2024

The National Safety and Security meeting convened following rise of multiple Journalists arrest in Tanzania.

The National Safety and Security meeting convened following rise of multiple Journalists arrest in Tanzania.

On Monday this week, Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC), in collaboration with International Media Support (IMS), UNESCO, and other media stakeholders, gathered at UNESCO's premises to address growing concerns regarding the safety and security of journalists but also Democracy, Gender and Human Rights. 
From January to September 2024, there have been at least 10 incidents involving 17 journalists, including the arrest of three journalists in a political context.
Kenneth Simbaya, the executive director of UTPC, noted that these violations often stem from journalists' unfamiliarity with the principles governing police conduct, as well as the police's lack of understanding of journalistic principles.
Mr. Simbaya emphasized that freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democracy, stating, "Arresting journalists infringes on this freedom, as the community must be informed to make necessary decisions on various issues."
In response, UTPC and IMS have conducted safety and security dialogues across various regions to tackle these challenges, totaling 58 dialogues in 13 regions thus far.
Fausta Msokwa, IMS country programme manager, reported that these dialogues have had a positive impact on the ground, highlighting the need for joint efforts among media stakeholders to reach all areas of Tanzania. "These dialogues help expand journalists' understanding of their fundamental rights. Many face mistreatment due to a lack of awareness of these rights," she explained.
The establishment of regional safety and security committees is one outcome of these dialogues, aimed at coordinating discussions and documenting violations against journalists. Several cases have already been addressed by these committees.
In all recorded violations, the police have been identified as the primary perpetrators, underscoring the necessity for dialogues between journalists and police forces.
DCP David Misime, spokesperson for the Tanzania Police Force, expressed gratitude to UTPC and its partners for organizing these dialogues, noting their role in reducing tensions between journalists and law enforcement. He stressed the importance of collaboration in minimizing journalist violations to uphold the nation's reputation.

Also, he noted that the dialogues led to significant changes in the police force and among journalists, fostering increased collaboration and a better understanding of each party's operations.

During the discussion, members emphasized the importance of engaging multiple stakeholders to raise public awareness about the need to protect journalists while promoting access to information to support a thriving democracy.

Additionally, they recommended establishing a memorandum of understanding between the police and journalists as a crucial step in combating media violations.
#SafetyOfJournalists #MediaFreedom

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  • Aug 19,2024

Netherlands Ambassador Visits UTPC: Strengthening Journalist Protection and Skill Development Ahead of Tanzanian Elections

The Ambassador of the Netherlands to Tanzania, His Excellency Mr. Wiebe de Boer, made an official visit to the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC) premises in Dodoma.

The main purpose of Ambassador De Boer’s visit was to expand his understanding of the activities conducted by UTPC and its Press Clubs, as well as the working conditions for journalists in the country, particularly at the regional level.

The Ambassador was briefed in detail about UTPC’s activities through its Strategic Plan for 2023–2025, which has five main objectives. Among other things, he was informed about various efforts UTPC has been making to improve the protection and security of journalists in collaboration with other media institutions in the country, including Tanzania Police Force.

Apart from that, Ambassador De Boer was also updated on UTPC’s initiatives involving youths and young journalists through Freedom of Expression and Access to Information dialogues that stimulate discussions on social media on various topical issues.

However, the Ambassador was pleased with the various plans that UTPC has put in place to ensure that journalists acquire skills in areas of need, especially as we approach local and general elections in Tanzania. This includes skill development in Multi-Content Journalism and the use of technology for young journalists, Investigative Reporting, election reporting, and community journalism.

Lastly, ambassador also commended UTPC and its entire leadership for their ongoing work, acknowledging that there is still a significant amount of work to be done to strengthen the media industry, a task that requires substantial cooperation to make progress. He also appreciate the Tanzanian government’s cooperation in creating space and addressing some of the barriers hindering the development of the media industry.

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