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Residents of Kigoma Region, on June 12, 2024, have resolved to implement various important measures to ensure that freedom of expression is maintained in the region, from the family level to the national level.

These measures include the establishment of hashtagFreedomOfExpression clubs in primary and secondary schools to enhance citizens' ability to express themselves from a young age.

These resolutions were made today by various stakeholders in the region during a community seminar aimed at promoting freedom of expression. The seminar was organized by the Kigoma Regional Press Club (KGPC) in collaboration with the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC).

Speaking at the opening of the community seminar, the guest of honor, Acting Regional Administrative Secretary of Kigoma, responsible for industry and trade, Mr. Deogratius Sangu, who represented the Regional Commissioner of Kigoma, Thobias Andengenye, said it is important for citizens and leaders to utilize this freedom of expression for the development of Kigoma Region.

UTPC President and Chairman of the Kigoma Regional Press Club, Mr. Deogratius Nsokolo, said that gaining freedom of expression is crucial as it forms the foundation for acquiring all other rights.

On his part, UTPC Executive Director Mr. Kenneth Simbaya said that development is not an individual's responsibility alone; we must see how we contribute to development by hashtagPromotingFreedomOfExpression to provide equal opportunities for all.

This community seminar to promote freedom of expression included various stakeholders such as journalists, representatives from civil society organizations, lawyers, people with disabilities, special groups including youth, Government leaders, political party representatives, and religious leaders.

This is the second community seminar to promote freedom of expression, the first of which was held in Shinyanga Region. After Kigoma, it will proceed to Katavi and Rukwa regions.
hashtagFreedomOfExpression hashtagCommunitySeminar

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For the 1st time in Arusha today, a ground-breaking meeting was convened to assess the state of the media sector, marking a significant milestone in the collaboration between the Ministry of Information, Communications, and Information Technology and key media stakeholders. During this historic gathering, various strategies aimed at fostering the growth of the media industry in Tanzania were presented.


Under the leadership of Hon. Nape Moses Nnauye, the Minister for Information, Communications, and Information Technology, congratulated the media stakeholders representing diverse media organizations across the country as they presented their plans to bolster the development of the media landscape in Tanzania.


In his address, Mr. Deo Nsokolo @deo_nsokolo The president of The Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC), expressed his gratitude to the Government for its efforts in enhancing the working conditions for journalists. However, he underscored the importance of sustained efforts in key areas such as ensuring the safety and security of journalists, amending Media Services Act 2016, and enhancing the welfare of journalists, since they are critical factors that could hinder the growth curve of the media sector in Tanzania.


Furthermore, Mr. Nsokolo requested for Minister Nape Nnauye to expedite the release of the report from the media economy assessment committee. This, he stressed, would enable stakeholders to promptly address the recommendations outlined in the report, thereby fostering continuous improvement within the industry.


In a final call to action, Mr. Nsokolo urged stakeholders, particularly the Government, to leverage the availability of Press Clubs across the nation as effective channels for disseminating information swiftly and efficiently to the public.


Also in his speech, the General Secretary for the Media Council of Tanzania, Mr. Ernest Sungura, outlined areas in which the MCT will collaborate with the Ministry of Information Communication and Information Technology; These include assisting in the development of good media laws and policies, conveying journalistic opinions on the National Vision 2050, promoting access to information, and overseeing journalistic ethics.

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Rev. Lazaro of Evangelistic Assemblies of God Tanzania, Babati, issued a statement during the journalists' safety and security dialogue organized by the Union of Tanzania Press Club in collaboration with the Manyara Press Club.


He emphasized that the successful advocacy for the safety and security of journalists requires collaboration among religious leaders.

"Once religious leaders unite in advocating for the safety and security of journalists, we will be successful," Rev. Lazaro stated.

He advised the continuation of safety dialogues, emphasizing their pivotal role in creating a media-friendly operational environment.


The Regional Police Commander of Manyara, SACP. George Katabazi, affirmed that the police force in the region provides security to journalists to enable them to collect, write, and disseminate information to the public in a safe environment.


Speaking on the impact of the dialogues, Katabazi recalled that during the first quarter, there were no incidents of journalist arrests or any inhumane actions against them recorded in the region. He pledged the sustainability of this situation, as the force is improving by providing training to the police to adopt a peaceful approach towards journalists.


Manyara Press Club and UTPC conducted the fourth journalists' safety and security dialogue this week, bringing together the Police force, religious leaders, political leaders, lawyers, and common citizens. This move of involving other stakeholders aims to expand the advocacy efforts for the safety and security of journalists.




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The four-day International Conference on Early Childhood Care and Development for the East African region was inaugurated yesterday, March 11, 2024, in Dar es Salaam, with the Minister of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Children, Dr. Dorothy Gwajima, representing President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan.


The Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC), through its leading journalists from 26 Press Clubs across mainland Tanzania, participated in the conference by showcasing their activities in informing the public and promoting accountability in Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) through articles published in various media outlets from January 2022 to December 2023.


Furthermore, the articles by these journalists have significantly promoted accountability in various areas including Education, Health, Responsive Caregiving, Nutrition, and Child Protection and Safety.


Under the coordination and supervision of UTPC, these champion journalists reporting on ECD, have published over 1,400 articles promoting accountability and investment in the Nurturing Care of children aged 0-8, among them 293 are radio programs aired between Sept 2021 to Dec 2023, leading to the following outcomes; Medical charges for children under the age of five have been eliminated, Health centers and preschools have been built in various areas, Creches supporting breastfeeding with their infants established in engaged in small-scale businesses & local markets (e.g. in case study of Arusha) and Fathers have begun accompanying their spouses to pre and post natal clinics visits.


In addition to these presentations, other activities at the conference included the presentation of various topics related to Early Childhood Care and Development such as policies and plans from countries including Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, and Eritrea.


#earc2024 C2024

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A total of six ECD champion journalists, implementing the Mtoto Kwanza project and the National Integrated Program for Child Care, Development, and Early Childhood Development (PJT-MMMAM), have received comprehensive training in Gender and ECD.


A three-day training, held from March 7th to 9th, 2024, was provided after the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC), in collaboration with the Children in Crossfire (CiC) organization, entered into an agreement with the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, Kenya, for the purpose of equipping the journalists with additional skills and knowledge on ECD.


The aim of the training is to increase understanding and accountability among stakeholders to recognize the importance of investing in quality care, development, and early childhood development services for children aged 0 to 8.


The journalists whom were trained, include Jaliwason Jasson from Manyara, Abby Nkungu from Singida Press Club, Vivian Pyuza from Tabora Press Club, Kareny Masasy from Shinyanga Press Club, Mwajabu Hoza from Kigoma Press Club, and Tukuswiga Mwaisumbe from Iringa Press Club.

Additionally, other participants receiving this training include government stakeholders and non-governmental organizations.


A total number of 26 journalists are reporting on ECD under Mtoto kwanza project in Tanzania mainland.

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"It is not right for the Police to attack or harass journalists” said ASP. Notker Kilewa while contributing to a discussion on issues concerning the protection and safety of journalists in a dialogue organized by the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC) in collaboration with the Dar es Salaam City Press Club (DCPC) on March 8, 2024, at the City Mall Msasani in Dar es Salaam.


He emphasized that the effectiveness of the Police depends on a strong cooperation between journalists and the Police force, therefore it is not appropriate to attack a journalist while they are performing their duties of gathering news to inform the public.


On his part, the Kinondoni Regional Police Commander SACP. Mtatiro Kitinkwi commended the DCPC and UTPC for organizing the forum as it aims to bring together journalists and the Police to discuss challenges that arise during the execution of their duties, especially during election times, and find solutions on how to work without conflicting.


"We have focused on this year 2024 and next year 2025 which are election years so we have reminded each other to obey the law without force while executing our duties."


This forum is part of a series of discussions held in six regions including Dar es Salaam, Iringa, Songwe, Manyara, and Katavi, as part of UTPC's efforts in collaboration with IMS (International Media Support) to ensure the protection and safety of journalists is strengthened and to improve relations between the Police force and journalists.



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