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On Saturday, December 10th of 2023, the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs organized the first-ever exhibition of its press club members at the UTPC Premises in Dodoma.

The 28 press clubs from across the country showcased their activities at the UTPC premises, revealing the depth of their contributions to journalism. Attendees were inspired by the richness of ideas and initiatives presented by the press clubs.


Mr. Deogratius Nsokolo, UTPC president, expressed his amazement at the creativity of press clubs, especially their efforts in forming community banks, commonly known as VICOBA. He highlighted how this innovation not only improves the individual journalists' lives but also facilitates their accessibility to remote areas for news coverage.

"I'm excited about the creativity of the press clubs, particularly in forming community banks like VICOBA. This not only enhances the lives of individual journalists but also empowers them to connect with the community and amplify their voices," said President Nsokolo.


UTPC's Executive Director, Kenneth Simbaya, extended gratitude to the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) for their support. Simbaya emphasized the significance of collaboration for success, underlining the importance of working together.

"After witnessing the immense richness of the Press Clubs in this exhibition, the secretariat will visit every single press club for discussions on how they can translate their showcased creativity into building strong, independent press clubs. Strong press clubs lead to the development of independent journalists," stated Kenneth Simbaya.


The exhibition provided a unique platform for press clubs to learn from one another. Each press club had the opportunity to glean insights from the experiences of their counterparts, contributing significantly to the development of economically independent press clubs.

"This exhibition created an opportunity for learning from others, and we hope every press club will implement what they've learned, laying the foundation for the independent development of our own press clubs in all aspects," remarked Mchanga Haroub, a representative from Pemba Press Club.


Samson Kamalamo, the chairperson for Dar City Press Club, urged leaders of all press clubs to capitalize on the insights gained during the exhibition and apply them within their own clubs.

"I urge all press club leaders to take advantage of this exhibition, initiating platforms within our own press clubs. This move will help our stakeholders understand what we are doing in our press clubs," urged Kamalamo.


The exhibition attracted various media stakeholders who observed the diverse activities of press clubs. Jane Shusa, the communication officer from Twaweza, highlighted the economic activities demonstrated by press clubs as a testament to their readiness to embrace technology and elevate journalists to independence. Shusa emphasized that independent journalists play a crucial role in exposing the truth and serving the community.


The media in Tanzania has long grappled with insufficient income, leading many journalists to work without pay or proper contracts. Press clubs emerge as crucial entities, bridging gaps and fostering efficiency in journalism.


In conclusion, the exhibition marked a pivotal moment for press clubs in Tanzania, fostering collaboration, learning, and a renewed commitment to building economically independent press clubs and journalists. The showcased innovations provide a roadmap for a stronger, more resilient media landscape in the country.


See More: A short documentary of the whole event can be seen from this link 



More exciting photos can be found here 


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The Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC), in collaboration with International Media Support (IMS), has implemented various interventions at national and regional levels through Press Clubs to enhance the safety and security of journalists in the country, resulting in a significant decrease in media violations incidents.


Records from UTPC indicate a notable reduction in media violation cases, dropping from 23 in 2022 to 15 in 2023. Previously, journalists faced numerous challenges, including physical assaults, often attributed to the police force.


The Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) reported a total of 272 media violation cases over a ten-year period, with the police identified as the primary perpetrator in 52 cases.

UTPC and IMS initiated efforts in 2020 to strengthen civil society capacity and participation in advocating for media policy reforms, citizen access to information, fundamental freedoms, and the safety of journalists in Tanzania. These efforts utilised various approaches, including safety and security dialogues, training sessions, and the establishment of mechanisms to ensure journalists' safety.


Throughout 2022 and 2023, UTPC conducted a total of 56 safety dialogues across 14 regions, fostering discussions between journalists and the police force. The objectives of these dialogues were to improve relations, enhance understanding of challenges faced by both parties, promote freedom of expression and access to information, and identify practical measures for enhancing the safety and security of journalists.


The impact of these initiatives has been evident, with an improvement in the working relationship between the police force and journalists. The police have shifted their approach, opting for peaceful resolutions rather than immediate arrests. A recent incident on Tuesday, 21st, 2023, involving journalists Jamal Meena and Dickson Kapungu, illustrates this positive change. Instead of being arrested after a manager reported them to the police, a peaceful resolution was reached, allowing the journalists to continue their reporting.


Historically, journalists in Mwanza faced challenges during general election campaigns, leading to arrests in 2020 and 2021. However, recent discussions between the police and Mwanza Press Club have resulted in positive changes, fostering a WhatsApp group for information sharing and knowledge exchange.


UTPC continues to promote safety of journalists by establishing safety and security mechanisms for journalists in Tanzania. The mechanism aim to offer legal support and healthcare assistance to journalists in distress of legal or medical issues.

Notably, Yasir Mkubwa from Zanzibar and Dickson Kapungu from Songwe received UTPC's legal support in 2022.


As a testament to the success of these initiatives, the collaborative efforts of UTPC and IMS have played a vital role in creating a safer and more secure environment for journalists in Tanzania. The commitment to open dialogue and collaboration has led to positive outcomes, benefiting both journalists and law enforcement alike.


The ongoing efforts by UTPC reflect a promising future for the press in Tanzania, with the potential for continued improvement in safety, security, and the overall well-being of journalists across the nation.



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The Union of Tanzania Press Clubs officially launched its visionary strategic plan for the years 2023-2025 on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. The plan aims to bring about a transformation in press clubs while elevating journalism standards.


This historic event brought together representatives from various Embassies, Government officials, representatives from both local and international media organizations, and other media stakeholders.

UTPC, in line with its vision of "Moving UTPC from good to great," is committed to transforming press clubs and raising journalism standards in Tanzania.


During the inauguration, the honourable president of UTPC, Mr. Deogratius Nsokolo, outlined five key achievements expected from the new strategic plan. These include journalists operating at the highest standards of professionalism, the protection of journalists' rights, the effective and efficient functioning of press clubs, the improvement of journalists' safety and security, and ensuring journalists can operate freely.

To achieve the objectives outlined in its Strategic Plan, UTPC is dedicated to strengthening its operating systems, structure, and staff to support its mission.


Hon. Charlota Ozak Macias, the Ambassador of Sweden in Tanzania, emphasized the importance of a free press in a country, stating that it fuels accountability to those in power. She acknowledged UTPC's pivotal role in enhancing media freedom and promoting democracy in Tanzania.

"In a vibrant democracy, a free and responsible media is essential. UTPC has demonstrated its commitment to upholding the highest journalistic standards and advocating for the rights and safety of journalists. As development partners, we recognize the importance of supporting UTPC in this transformative phase to ensure the welfare of the media in Tanzania," added Ambassador Charlota Ozak Macias.

"The media acts as the bridge between the government and the citizens, serving as a watchdog uncovering corruption and injustice," she further stated.


Echoing these sentiments, Hon. Holger Tauscher, the Deputy Head of Mission from the Swiss embassy in Tanzania, emphasized the vital role of media in holding governments accountable. Switzerland stands with UTPC in supporting journalists' welfare, enabling them to operate freely and effectively.

He also praised UTPC's significant achievements as a testament to their dedication to the future of journalism in Tanzania, saying, "My sincere hope is that your new premises will provide you with an ideal working environment, enhancing the effectiveness of your central asset, the new space plan, to fulfil your mission of serving the members and the public."


Hon. Tauscher also highlighted Switzerland's support aimed at bolstering civil society capacity and participation in advocacy for media policy, citizen access to information, and fundamental freedoms in Tanzania. He emphasized Switzerland's longstanding partnership and support for civil society organizations, particularly in the media sector, underscoring the vital role these organizations play in promoting democracy, human rights, good governance, and societal development. Furthermore, he stressed the need forto be sustainable, independent, and accountable to effectively perform their roles.


UTPC also aims to ensure the safety and security of journalists, allowing them to fulfill their duties without interference from those in power. According to UTPC Executive Director Kenneth Simbaya, the commitment involves conducting various interventions where the police force, journalists, and other media stakeholders can collaboratively address challenges related to media violations.


This significant step in the launch of UTPC's 2023-2025 strategic plan marks a promise of good journalism and equipped journalists.

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In the green city of Morogoro, a vibrant gathering took place where the energy of youths and the enthusiasm of journalism students merged in an energetic dialogue on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information.

The event, strategically designed to engage the younger generation, sought to stimulate discussions and amplify the voices of these emerging leaders on crucial matters concerning freedom of expression and access to information via social media.

The deep message emphasized that the youth possess the influential capacity to lead conversations and champion the agenda surrounding the significance of these fundamental rights.


This dynamic dialogue successful implemented as a result of a collaborative partnership between the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC) and the International Media Support (IMS). As the event unfolded, it became evident that this initiative was more than just a conversation—it was a deliberate step towards empowering the youth to play an active role in shaping the narrative around freedom of expression and access to information.


The partnership between UTPC and IMS underscored a commitment to nurturing the next generation of journalists, fostering a culture where their voices are not only heard but also become catalysts for positive change in the area of media and community discussions.


The spirited engagement in Morogoro became a testament to the transformative power of collaborative efforts between organizations dedicated to media development. As the dialogue reached its climax, it left a mark on the minds of the participants, inspiring them to continue championing the cause of freedom of expression and access to information as they embark on their respective journeys within the dynamic landscape of journalism.

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The President of UTPC, Mr. Deogratius Nsokolo, has urged journalists across the country to return to journalism built on the foundation of addressing various challenges present in society, rather than writing news that praises leaders.

He made these remarks today while opening the general meeting of the Dar es Salaam Press Club (DCPC) held at the Jubilee Tower in Dar es Salaam.

He stated that currently, journalism has not been beneficial to society or our country because many news stories are praising leaders. Journalists should remain committed to their duty of criticism so that the government is aware of the challenges faced by citizens and can address them promptly.

The meeting was attended by members of DCPC and aimed to receive financial and operational reports of the club's activities.

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  1. Background:

The Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC) is a non-governmental organization that seeks to promote and protect freedom of expression, press freedom, and the right to information in Tanzania. UTPC is an umbrella body for 28 Press Clubs that are located all over Tanzania.

UTPC is concerned with the safety of journalists in Tanzania and quick support that journalists must receive when they face challenges while performing their journalistic work. To address this issue, UTPC intends to develop a safety and security mechanism that will provide quick support to journalists in distress.

However, the process of implementing this mechanism took its prior baby steps back in 2022 with UTPC overseeing its coordination to ensure its official establishment. A dedicated committee, which includes media institutions such as MCT, MISA Tanzania, TAMWA, TEF, TADIO, JOWUTA Shas been formed. They have conducted three meetings, outlining the stages involved in setting up this mechanism.

As the development of this mechanism progresses, the committee believes it is crucial to continue providing assistance to journalists. Despite not yet being perfected, the mechanism has offered support to two journalists in 2022.


  1. Objectives:

The objective of this consultancy is to design the framework, in terms of forms, guidelines and processes for a safety and security mechanism that will offer protection and support to journalists in Tanzania, especially when they are facing legal, medical or any other safety and security challenge during their line of work. Consultant is expected to build up from what UTPC’s safety mechanism team has done so far and incorporate insights from existing documentation.


  1. Scope of Work:

The consultant will be expected to undertake the following tasks:

  • Review existing safety and security mechanisms for journalists in Tanzania and other countries to identify best practices and lessons learned. One in Tanzania and three from other countries.
  • Develop a comprehensive document that outlines the steps and protocols to be followed by safety mechanism committee members in providing quick support to journalists in distress.
  • Develop a set of guidelines and procedures that will be used by the team to assess the level of risk faced by journalists and determine the appropriate response.
  • Design a flowchart for communication and coordination between team that is working to coordinate the mechanism and other stakeholders, such as legal aid providers, medical facilities and security agencies, to ensure a timely and effective response to journalists in distress.
  • Develop a comprehensive tool for media violations reporting since two or more like minded media organizations are doing the same job of collecting and reporting on media violation cases
  • Evaluate and assess the existing reporting portal in Tanzania and provide recommendations for improvements, ensuring it becomes a more useful tool for victim journalists, facilitating reporting during distressful situations or when they require assistance.


  1. Deliverables:

The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • Comprehensive strategy for safety and security mechanism to operate.
  • Guidelines, tools and procedures for safety and security mechanism to operate.
  • A strategy to harmonize media violations reporting conducted by UTPC and partner organisations.
  • Communication and coordination system for safety and security mechanism including a design of an online reporting portal and how it should be operating.
  • Assessment of the existing reporting portal in Tanzania and recommended ideas for its improvements


  1. Timeline:

The consultancy is expected to take four weeks, starting from the date of signing the contract.


  1. Qualifications:

The consultant should have the following qualifications:

  • Good experience in designing and implementing media programs, and safety and security for journalists as an added advantage.
  • At least a first degree in journalism, media, development studies, law or related field; a Masters is preferred.
  • Demonstrable experience with similar assignments.
  • Understanding of the legal framework within which NGOs in Tanzania operate.
  • In-depth knowledge of the legal and regulatory framework governing the media in Tanzania.
  • Fluency in spoken English and Swahili and good writing skills.
  • Relevant networks and contacts within the context to ensure the assignment is conducted effectively.
  • Familiarity with international standards and best practices related to the safety and security of journalists.
  • Experience in monitoring of media violation cases in Tanzania.
  • Strong analytical and writing skills.


  1. Budget:

The budget for this consultancy will be based on the available budget with the consultant based on their experience, qualifications, and proposed work plan.


  1. Reporting:

The consultant will report to the Executive Director of UTPC and work closely with the Safety and Security Committee team. Progress reports will be submitted on the agreeable terms and timeframe.  


Deadline for submission is August 10th, 2023


All application should be directed to:

Executive Director

Union of Tanzania Press Clubs

P.O Box 770


Aboud Jumbe Road,

Kazembo Street, Uzunguni House No. 27

Email: info@utpc.or.tz or utpctztz@gmail.com



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